Strawberry Tarts
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha
1/2c margarine
2tbsp honey
1c (ish, i1/2 cup?) coconut dessicated
1/2c white sugar
2tbsp vanilla essence
add an egg and tapioca flour, rice flour, plain flour slowly until it stops being sticky and turns into a rollable dough. (live a little)
Roll it out and cut a large circle. Push neatly that in a deep muffin tin. Cut a smaller circle (use a frilly one for more interest) that fits over the top. First fil it will jam to the top, then cover. Slice a cross and use spoons, forks and another cookie cutter to secure the tart "lid" as seen in the photo.
alternatively you could melt some chocolate and peanut butter to make a "paste" you can put inside "Reece's peanuts" style :)
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