Monday, February 22, 2010

Cherry Torte of Love

i Got this recipe from a book. Yum. Tasted a bit like pop tarts.


Cherry Torte of Love
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha

Melinda's Chocolate Fudge brownies!

Fudge brownies!
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha

Seriously, go buy some now!

The best.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Tuna Papadums

Tuna papadum things
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha

Papadum in an indian bread. It is more like a cracker. It is gluten free (check packet or make some yourself!)

Fill in some microwaved papadums for a change from boring rice cakes!

Or use corn crisps!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sprinkly Blobs

Sprinkly Blobs
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha

roast shredded coconut
melt chocolate with peanut butter and mix in coconut
top with 100s and 1000s!

Monday, February 8, 2010

When life throughs you lemons...

Ahhh lemons?
Originally uploaded by tiny_teesha

Make lemonade!

I decided not to sulk and make an assortment of things and freeze half, for when i can't be bothered cooking. And i made many things! An almond loaf. Muffins. A cinnamon loaf and Miranda's chocolate brownies!